A list of Vegetables from 1669
(I will be adding to this post in the future)Sir Kenelm Digby was a gentleman, a privateers, diplomat, scientist and intellectual. During his varied life, lived through one of England's most turbulent periods of history, he collected recipes from his friends. Published after his death, The Closet of the Eminently Learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Knight Opened, covers and extraordinary range of subjects and gives so many recipes for different alcoholic drinks that you might be forgiven for thinking that the favourite hobby of the English aristocracy was making home brew.
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Sir Kenelm Digby, artist unknown |
At the very end, in Appendix III it lists all of the herbs, flowers, fruits and less common vegetables used in the cook book along with other flavourings. He does add that he left out the more common vegetables. For instance I know that he definitely has recipes that include peas, beans and asparagus. So for anyone interested in what green and growing things the people of the 17th century might have been using, here is the list. I have added some spacings.
It must be remembered that Sir Digby was wandering around Europe with the royal court who would have had access to a lot more food than everyone else.
REFERRED TO IN The Closet Opened:—
1. Agrimony; alexander; angelica; avens,
leaves & flowers; balm; bay-leaves; beet leaves; bettony, wild; bettony,
Paul's; bistort; bloodwort; bluebottles; blue-button; borage, leaves &
flowers; bramble, red, tops of; broom-buds; bugle; bugloss, leaves &
flowers; burnet; carduus benedictus; carrot, wild; celandine; cersevril;
chicory; chives; clove gilly-flowers; clown's all-heal; coltsfoot; comfrey;
cowslip & French cowslip flowers; dragons; elder flowers; endive;
eyebright; fennel; fever-few; garlic; ground-ivy; groundsel; hart's tongue,
leaves; hops, flowers; horehound; hypericum, tops & flowers; hyssop;
ladies' mantle; lettuce, leaves & stalks; lily of the valley; liquorice;
liverwort; maidenhair; marigold, flowers & leaves; marjoram, sweet;
marjoram, wild; marshmallow, leaves, flowers, & stalks; may-weed, brown;
meadowsweet; mellilot, flowers; mint; spearmint; mouse-ear; mugwort; muscovy;
nettle, red; oak of Jerusalem; organ; origanum [wild marjoram]; oseille;
parietary; peas (chick); pellitory-of-the-wall; penny-royal; philipendula;
pimpernel; pourpier; primrose, flowers; purslane; ribwort; rocket; rosemary,
tops, flowers, & sprigs; rose; rue; sage, (red & wild), leaves &
flowers; saxifrage; sanicle; scabious; scurvy grass; self-heal; shallots; sibboulets; skirrets; smallage; sorrel (wood); spike [spignel?];
spleenwort; spinach; St. John's wort; strawberry leaves; sweetbriar, leaves,
tops, buds; sweet oak; sweetwort; tamarisk; tansy; thyme (broad, lemon, mother,
& wild); violet, leaves & flowers; wallflowers (yellow); wall rue;
watercress; wheat (green); white-wort; winter savoury; woodbine; wormwood (sea
& Roman); yarrow. (From this list I have omitted the commoner vegetables.)
2. Roots.—Alexander; angelica; asparagus; beet; betony, bittersweet;
bluebottle; borage; coltsfoot; elecampane; eringo; fennel; fern; galingale;
horse-radish; marshmallow; nettle (red); orris; parsley; scabious; sorrel;
strawberry; succory; thyme (wild); tormentilla.
3. Seeds.—Anise; cardamom;
carraway; citron; coriander; fennel; gromwell; melon; musk grains; mustard;
nettle; parsley; saffron; tulip, seedy buds of; wormwood.
4. Fruits.—Apples
(codlings, ginet moils, pearmains, pippins, golden pippins, red streaks);
apricots; barberries; bilberries; cherries (black, Kentish, Morello); currants
(dried, black, red); damsons; dates; jujubes; juniper berries; lemons; pears
(bon chrétien & wardens); plums; prunes; raisins; rasps; sweetbriar
berries; strawberries.
5. Barks, woods.—Ash-tree bark; lignum cassiæ.
Nuts.—Almonds; chestnuts; pine kernels; pistachios; walnuts (green).
Juices.—Balm; celandine; cherry; hop; lemon; onion; orange; spearmint; spinach;
8.—Distilled waters of angelica; cinnamon; mallow; orange-flower;
plantain; rose (red & damask).
9. Spices of all sorts; cloves; cinnamon
(also oil of, & spirit of); ginger; mace; mustard; nutmeg; pepper;
10. Wines.—Canary sack; claret; Deal; elder; Malaga (old); Muscat;
Muscadine (Greek); red; Rhenish; sack, sherry sack; Spanish; white.
11. Other liquors.—Ale & beer; afterworts; lees of beer & wine; aqua
vitæ; orangeado.
12. Vinegars of elder wine, & of white wine.
13. Verjuice
of cider, & green sour grapes.
14. Other notable seasonings and
ingredients:— Ambergris; ivory; leaf gold; powder of white amber; powder of
pearl; Spanish pastilles
Digby, Kenelm
(2011-12-22). The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened (New
Illustrated) (Kindle Locations 3755-3781).
. Kindle Edition.
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